Here's the catch

Build a landing page for more efficient customer acquisition.

On average, brands that implement a landing page to replace their existing 4-5 page purchase funnel see a 30% decrease in customer acquisition costs within 21 days of going live.

After completing our onboarding questionnaire, we’ll build a strategy, design, copywriter, develop, and QA, the perfect landing page in just 2-4 weeks.*

Here's the deal


A done-for-you landing page service, fully supportive of your goals in 2 weeks. We guarantee a 30% lift in your conversion.

PurchaseBook a demo
How long does the on-boarding take?

After you make the purchase, we'll send you the onboarding form together with instructions on how we work.

Once you submit the onboarding form, we'll arrange a 30 min call and after that, we are ready to go

Why wouldn't I just make my homepage like a landing page?

Your goal with landing pages isn't just to shorten the conversion journey, but it's also to personalize that experience.

If you just edit a homepage and settle for that, you're still just messaging one way, versus speaking to different benefits based on different traffic sources.

Why do I need a landing page?

Your primary website can’t possibly appeal to all customers at all times. That’s where landing pages come in! When you build a landing page, you’re able to create a unique site experience tailored to the audience you’re advertising to, and the problem you’re solving for them.

With custom landing pages, you can create a red-carpet experience for any site visitor to become a customer over time.

How do we communicate?

We use Loom to send walkthroughs, Figma to do everything design, Trello for project management, Slack for async communication and Calendly to book calls.

After kicking off, you will have a private communication channel with our lead full-stack designer who will overlook your entire project.

You want to refer somebody?

Send us an email at, and we'll pay you 10% of the project cost.

Can my pixels be placed on the landing page?

Yes! We place any and all tracking pixels, or even just a Google Tag Container. This allows all ad platforms…

Will the page look like it could be a part of our website?

Yes, we'll design your landing page with your brand's look and feel in mind. After we analyze your brand guidelines and the current website and we implement the coherent style that is familiar to your customers.

Who are your ideal customers?

We work best with funded B2B SaaS startups, and Web 3 companies. On average, most companies we work with have an annual revenue greater than $500k USD or have raised around $1m-$10m USD, but we're open to working with any company!

Their speed, efficiency, and the attention to details is amazing.

“It was a pleasure to work with the team, they helped us build my startup from scratch with a big passion for the project and great communication skills, caring about details and going back and forth with me to create a very user friendly product.

They did an amazing job caring of every sign aspect of the product life-cycle, starting from and idea to finishing with the launch of the final website"

Mohamed Tighilt, Qadyan
They design, iterate, think, and work like a fast-paced startup.

"The team is a so proactive when it comes to product design and research.

Their absolute understanding of user needs made them accurate in their design delivery and helped other domains to successfully increase customer satisfaction through the product.

the team is a detail oriented and care about UI that makes their designs neat and focused on information"

Omar Al Meheiri, Letswork
They're responsive, and faster than any other team I have ever worked with!

"Kral team are probably the best design team that I’ve had the pleasure of working with, period.

Incredibly talented and have an incredible reception to feedback both from customers and from us the terrible engineers. I’m really thankful for all of the work we’ve done together and for giving us an amazing app.

And sorry for all the times I didn’t do your designs justice lol. I hope we continue working together always"

Guy Shahar, Blee

Get the LP template we use to double sales, leads, MRR,... for our private clients.

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